Monday, June 1, 2015

Why I Chose Young Living

Why I Chose Young Living

My Young Living Essential Oils journey began in January 2015. I had considered the idea of essential oils for years, and I was fairly certain I wanted to give it a try. I purchased a few cheap oils here and there, with unimpressive results, so I really didn’t understand what all the hype was about. And then I started doing real research. It didn’t take long for me to realize that, when it comes to essential oils, you get what you pay for. After more research on specific companies, I knew I wanted to try Young Living. I wanted these miracle oils to work, and that meant I wanted the best.

In late December of 2014, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with a thyroid issue. She was only 11 years old at the time. Thankfully, her condition was mild enough that her doctor didn’t want to prescribe medication yet, taking a “wait and see” approach for the time being. I knew then that it was time to finally take the plunge and work toward promoting my family's overall wellness naturally. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. One of my closest friends signed up for Young Living that month, and I signed up under her a few weeks later.

It’s only been a few months now, but my life will never be the same. Young Living has been such a huge blessing in my life and for my family, and I want to share this blessing with the world! If you’re toying with the idea of taking the plunge, and you’re not sure which company to go with, I hope this helps with your decision.

1.    Their unique “Seed to Seal” promise
The oils you buy from Young Living come directly from them, so unlike most consumer goods (I’m talking in general here, not just oils), you’re not getting outsourced, redistributed products. Young Living grows all of their plants on their own farms. They distill, test, and package all of their own oils. Since I use these for wellness and health support purposes, not only for myself but for my whole family, I love the idea of knowing exactly what I’m buying and where it comes from. There is no middle man and no guessing when I buy an oil from them. In fact, Young Living is so proud of this unique approach that they allow tours of their farms at times. Soon there will be a lavender harvest and members have been invited to participate in the harvest! How cool is that?

For more in depth information on Seed to Seal, visit here

2.    Testimonials
When I first began to seriously research Young Living, one of my first steps was to look for personal testimonies. Rather than simply relying on what the company was saying, I wanted to see how actual people who have used the oils feel about them. And let me tell you, I was blown away! There is such a wealth of information available from people who have had success with Young Living Essential Oils.  Want to see for yourself? Check out and search for testimonials on anything you might be considering using essential oils for.

Once I joined, I found even more resources for testimonials. My favorite is our team Facebook page, which everyone in my downline will be invited to join. You can ask a question in there and receive an overwhelming response others telling you their opinions and preferences of oils and other young living products. Not sure which oil you might like, or which shampoo smells the best? Ask the group and people will tell which they like best and why. Once I even asked what Vetiver smells like, and people gave me their honest opinion. (It's stinky!) This is such an invaluable resource.

3.    Value
There is truth in the saying “you get what you pay for.” Some people are hesitant to try Young Living because they think it’s too expensive. But when you sign up as a distributor, you get a 24% discount off the retail price. That is huge! Yes, it is still a bit more pricey than what you would pay for a random, off brand oil, but you are getting the highest quality available on the market. You will use less and get better results, making the overall value far greater. This graphic breaks it down very well:

4.    The Premium Starter Kit
When signing up as a distributor with Young Living, there are multiple starter options. Once you look over all of them, it is clearly obvious that the Premium Starter Kit is an amazing deal. You can’t beat it! You get a diffuser, 5 ml bottles of 11 different oils, several samples, and literature to get you started. Considering the price of several oils if you buy them individually and the price of the diffuser if you were to buy it separately, you’re basically get most of the kit for free. It’s the perfect way to start your journey with Young Living, giving you the chance to try many different oils and get a feel for what you like and what you need. Some of my overall favorite oils come in the premium starter kit. If you’re anything like me, you will instantly fall in love and want to buy ALL THE OILS!

When I signed up, I got the old starter kit. Which I love. Don’t get me wrong. But this month there is a NEW Premium Starter Kit, and it is even better. I’m actually jealous of all you new people starting out with this. Partly because I haven’t even tried some of the oils in the kit, and also because I love that diffuser! I’m sure at some point I’ll break down and buy one of these new kits myself. Check it out:

5.    Faith
I firmly believe that God put me on this path. The friend who is my Young Living sponsor also happens to be the friend I am most spiritually connected to. We talk and encourage each other on spiritual matters almost daily. It’s no coincidence that she signed up for Young Living at the perfect time, right when I was feeling compelled to take a natural approach to my family’s wellness, and helped me start my own journey. Now we’re working together to grow our businesses, with full confidence and faith that these oils are a blessing from God in our lives, in so many ways.

Have I convinced you to give Young Living a try? If so, you can sign up here

And please LET ME KNOW if you do sign up, because I’m constantly running promotions for new members. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any freebies, would you?

Still not quite convinced? Talk to me! Ask questions, dig deeper, do whatever it takes to be confident in your decision. I’ll do whatever I can to help. That’s what I’m here for!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. Any information I share is a personal testimony of what has worked for me and not intended as medical advice. Please see your doctor before trying essential oils if you have medical concerns.

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